Thursday, January 22, 2015

Week 48

There is no update for the week, but enjoy the pictures!

Sisters Hinkle and Pugmire. love them!!

  Leisa's birthday party!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Week 46

Hello there! This week has been CRAZY GOOD. 

Monday: We went on exchanges with the Sisters in Greensburg, and the people who were feeding them dinner just so happened to parent's close friends from the Military!!! Cool, huh!? She made this BOMB cheese and broccoli soup with corn bread (that's my favorite). It was so cool to meet them! I can imagine my mom just freaking out because I was there hahaa. 'Twas fun!

Tuesday: While on exchanges in Greensburg, we did service at Salvation Army, and it was really humbling. The people who work there have volunteered their time there for however many years, and they are just so HAPPY! They were just so jolly that it was impossible to not smile around them! My cheeks were spasming after a while of smiling so much hahah. These people were living King Benjamin's sermon in Mosiah in the Book of Mormon. He said, "...when ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God." I thoroughly enjoyed my time there.
It was a great day :)

So we had MLC this week (Missionary Leadership Council) which is where the Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders get together and talk about how to better the mission. It was SO good. One quote I loved in particular was from Neil A. Maxwell I believe. It went something along the lines of, "If your goal isn't the Kingdom of God, it will, in the end, no matter what you chose instead." That's so true! Our purpose is to prepare to meet God. We're told in the scriptures that through "Jesus Christ...[we] may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen." Moroni7:48          
I know that^^ to be true. Through Christ's Atonement, we can become better people each day. We truly can become like Him and live with Him again. 

 btw...that same day....I got my first ticket :( BUT it was a parking ticket because we didn't get the memo that we couldn't park on the street overnight!!!!! It was only 10 dollars, and don't worry, Dad, it won't go on my permanent record!! 

I'm really looking forward to a great week this week. Our goal is to work SO hard EVERY moment of EVERY day. I love working for the Lord! It seriously feels better than anything!! If you're feeling low, serve the Lord (we learn from King Benjamin ^^^ that we can serve the Lord by serving others). Your soul will be filled with joy, and somehow your problems won't seem so insurmountable. 

Well, I love yinz! Have a good week!


Sister Sparks

I saw Sister Stocking before she went home!!

The Cavelier's!!!

we didn't have enough quarters to dry our clothes...

I look like a MARSHMALLOW especially with my boots!!!! Who's going to want to talk to us??

waiting for our ride to pick us up

Monday, January 5, 2015

Week 45

Hello! This week was pretty great!

Some cool things that happened:

We're teaching a family that speaks Spanish. The mother speaks both English and Spanish, but the father only speaks Spanish. We usually have a member of the ward who is fluent in Spanish come with us to translate for us, but no one was available to come with us for this particular appointment, so we were praying hard for the gift of tongues!!! In the lesson, as he talked in Spanish, we didn't understand every word, but it was so cool because the Spirit helped us discern his needs and figure out his concerns without even having a translator. It was super cool!

Also this week, we were going to visit a family we met a couple weeks earlier, but I realized I didn't have their address. We just prayed and asked Heavenly Father to help us find it, so we drove around for a while just following the Spirit. We passed a certain road, and a light went off in my head, and I said, "That road sounds familiar. Let's go down that one." We turned down the road, and there their house was!! It was such a cool experience!

This week was really great! A lot of other cool things happened, but I can't share everything! I hope you're all having a great Monday! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Make some really meaningful goals to bring your life in closer harmony with God! Love you!

Sister Sparks

hahaha planning is hard.  Happy New Year from India!